Computer Repair, Upgrade and Diagnostics
Here at Matrix Technology, we can quickly identify and repair many computer problems. We will repair or replace defective components, troubleshoot configuration problems, as well as detect and clean most viruses, daemons, adware, spyware, and trojans.
Our company will come to your home or office and perform these services. If for some reason we are unable to complete the computer repair, upgrade or diagnostics on-site, the system will be taken to our facilities for advanced repair.

Often the purchase of a new system is not necessary, a simple component upgrade may be the solution. Upgrading certain components such as system processor, memory, disk, and controllers can considerably, and cost-effectively increase performance when correctly matched to a system’s operating potential. Prior to any computer repair or upgrade, we will thoroughly assess your system’s potential to ensure it will be utilized to its fullest extent, and maximize return on your investment.